Tilek CHERIKOV (Green Light Cinema), Timur CHERIKOV (Green Light Cinema)
Local and international investors, tentative donors: Hubert Balse Foundation, the World Cinema Fund (Berlinannele), Paris Cinema Project, (Italian investors).
Calendar and production plan
Stages Term in working days Responsible Status
1. Screen writing, editing Screenwriters, director, producers Ready
2. Director development by frame 7 Director,
2nd director
3. Budget development 5 Director, producers Draft budget is ready
4. Timetable development 5 Director,
2nd director Draft is ready
5. Forming survey squad
Annex 1 7 Director, 2nd director, consultant, lawyer, producer List is ready
6. Actors and actress cinema trial, photo trial, approve and signing contracts 10 Director, operator, designer, producer, 2nd director, assistant of director
7. Shooting area survey and approval 7 =//=
8. Surveying period 40 Whole team
9. Assembly and tone period 25 Director, cutter, producer, 2nd director, assistant of director
Finishing film, selection materials
Synchronies translation
Total 106
In months 5
Annex #1 Surveying group list
№ Position Quantity Surname Notes
Administrative staff
1. General producer
2. Executive producer, scriptwriter 1 Cherikov T.
3. Co-producer, 2nd director, scriptwriter 1 Cherikov T.
4. Director 1 Berdybekov N.
5. Operator 1
6. Designer 1
7. Sound producer 1
8. Composer 1
9. Costume designer 1
10. Administrator and PR 1
11. Accountant 1
12. Maker-up 1
13. Lighter 1
14. Cutter 1
15. Photographer 1
16. Lawyer 1
Technical staff
17. Associate director/casting 1
18. Camera assistant 1
19. Assistant of costume designer (Storekeeper) 1
20. Assistant of sound producer 1
21. Assistant of designer 1
22. Driver 4
Consultant group
23. Chief technical adviser Bazarov G.
24. Stunt man 2
25. Translators 4
Total 32
Annex #2
Actor and actress
№ List Quantity Surname Notes
1. Key actor/actress 5
2. Supporting actor 7
3. In episodes 20
Total 32
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