By Songzi XU


Family - Completed 2007

    • Year of production
    • 2007
    • Genres
    • Family
    • Countries
    • CHINA
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 97 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Songzi XU
    • Writer(s)
    • Songzi XU, Gang LU
    • Producer(s)
    • Zhaolong JIN
    • Synopsis
    • It was a true story in Wuhan of Hubei Province in China.
      Zhouzhou was born in April 1 that is the April Fool’s Day, he is a mental defective boy, his mother wanted suicide with him because her deeply self-abuse…But Zhouzhou’s cry waked up her, “Life is dignity, Life is equality, deformity is the pity but that is not the reason of the apartness and refuse”. After that, Zhouzhou’s parents brought hem to the way with no-retreat, hard, suffering and endless….
      ZhouZhou thirsted for play with other children in his childhood, but it was impossible. He was just alone with tears because of estrangement by other children…..One cold day, Zhouzhou was put off all his cloth by several puck boys and left him alone in the field, his father finally looked for him in the raining and brought him home… Angry! Self-condemned! Bitter hatred!
      “How can he care his own life when we are away?” Zhouzhou’s parent was deeply anxious. For caring Zhouzhou’s future life, his parents bore another daughter for him. Day by day, Zhouzhou grow up with his own sad world. Zhouzhou’s parents never thought of him will be with normal, because the extra-chromosome s the wing of bonds limited Zhouzhou’s flying.
      But, the God still give the kind parents a comfort unconsciously.
      Zhouzhou’s father is a cellist, little Zhouzhou enmeshed music invariably. One day, it was a normal break of the band performance, abnormal Zhouzhou suddenly put the baton, tried to conduct the band to play the sinfonia which he listened and looked on for many years. That was surprised a lot for everyone! He conducted perfectly!
      From that time, Zhouzhou changed his life with his own wing--- the music made him a new beginning! He expressed his emotion with his baton, dancing in the music…..many mant thing happened….but his mother’s die deeply convulsed Zhouzhou , because her contribution of canthus to other people after she died as the return of love from whole society to Zhouzhou.
      Mother left Zhouzhou forever.
      But Zhouzhou still performance on and on ….his world is no-longer silence, that extra-chromosome evolved the flying wing, it made zhouzhou a beautiful future—love, adamancy, braveness, optimism…love life and believe future.