By Akemi K. TOSTO


Family - Development 2024

A once-unwanted shelter dog magically turns into a human to win back his owner's affection, sparking a comical but poignant journey of self-discovery.

    • Year of production
    • 2024
    • Genres
    • Family, Fantasy, Comedy
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 100 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Akemi K. TOSTO
    • Writer(s)
    • Akemi TOSTO
    • Producer(s)
    • Tyler CONDON (Cinemaways), Akemi TOSTO (AKT PICTURES), Maho MORITA
    • Synopsis
    • Indy, a lovable mutt at the local pound, dreams of finding a forever home as his days at the crowded shelter tick away. Just in the nick of time, fortune smiles on him when Kimmy rescues him and brings him into her loving family, where Indy forges a special bond with her young brother Kevin and Spike, a wise pit bull next door.

      Life seems perfect... until Kimmy starts dating Jared, a manipulative rocker with a devilish charm.

      Fearing the loss of Kimmy's affection, Indy accepts a Miracle Dog Biscuit from a mysterious fairy, aka Spike, transforming into a human overnight. With newfound abilities and a mission to unmask Jared, Indy's journey into the human world is a rollercoaster of hilarious mishaps and life-changing lessons.

      As he unravels Jared's true nature, Indy begins to understand Kimmy's pain caused by his own disappearance. Indy eventually succeeds in uncovering Jared’s shenanigans but is devastated to see Kimmy collapse from a high fever.

      Confused and scared, Indy seeks Spike for help, but he’s MIA. When Indy discovers the secret behind the enchanted biscuit, he learns a priceless lesson: one doesn’t have to be anything other than who they are to be loved.

      Indy returns to Kimmy’s embrace, furry, loyal, and wiser than ever.