Horror - Completed 2016

the writing is on the wall

    • Year of production
    • 2016
    • Genres
    • Horror
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • O.b SWARTZ
    • Writer(s)
    • O.b SWARTZ
    • Producer(s)
    • Kamogelo APHANE
    • Synopsis
    • The Pinch Code is a tale about a murderous syndicate specializing in home invasions, target a newly wed couple’s home. After the house is marked with the infamous chalk-drawings known as the “Da Pinchi Code” the Fanning’s are thrust in a deadly cat-and-mouse game to survive the night.

      In 2014, the “Da Pinchi code” sweeps through Australia and the UK and now South Africa. It is real and it is here. The true horror of this film is its implications, the hidden meaning behind the Intruders motivations and its exploration of divorce. Juxtaposed with the eventual repressed responsibility of adulthood and the looming terror of an urban legend.

      A security salesman now turned business owner, Raymond Fanning and his wife Danielle move into her parent’s semi-fortified house, which is far less secured than their previous home. This house has a dark history, so do her parents. After the house is plunged into darkness from load-shedding, they are thrust into a deadly cat-and-mouse game to survive the night. When all help fails their only hope becomes Jon and Kat (Dani’s Parents) who themselves survived over 20 home invasions and lived to tell the tale!

      On his way home, Ray notices a “Z” painted on a stop sign near his home. We are introduced to Lucky Ngobeni, the gardener who has worked for Dani’s family for several years. He is only a stranger to Ray. At their semi-fortified house, Ray sees what looks like chalk markings on the wall. When we see the exterior of the house it becomes apparent what the markings are. The “signs” are an obvious warning sign to the trained eye. Two chalk drawings on the wall – a distinct white stone – a coke can and white sorghum carton pointed at the house – a white and blue plastic bags on a branch – a green bottle pointing towards the house. To the untrained eye this might be overlooked as rubbish, scribbling’s, or the like. But if you can read the signs, it is very evident what is about to happen to them!

      The Da Pinchi Code is the first step; gangs doing reconnaissance walking through neighborhoods, scouting, marking houses with these signs. This is when the syndicate takes over. The signs has all the information they need, from how many people are in the house to if there are any valuables worth stealing.

      The Fanning’s residence is targeted and that night three men enter their house. Today is Dewali celebrations (Indian Christmas) and even worse load shedding plunges the entire neighborhood into darkness. The festivities continue throughout the entire ordeal and become the backdrop for the syndicate’s crime. It is almost the perfect score for the robbers. The background noise of the fireworks becomes their cover as they try to get into the semi-fortified house with big heavy tools. They are organized & prepared.Separated and Afraid, Ray fights to get back into the house and Dani un-conscience on the bathroom floor, it becomes apparent that their night is going to get worse.

      It’s a tale about survival by any means. Polit