Horror - Pre-Production 2021

A girl's weekend of wine and bad singing finds two female friends fighting for their lives when they discover they are the target of a deeply odd and twitchy local family.

    • Year of production
    • 2021
    • Genres
    • Horror, Black comedy
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 5 - 10 M$
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Writer(s)
    • Imogen CHURCH
    • Producer(s)
    • Rosanne MILLIKEN (Gynormous Pictures), Michael FAVELLE (Odin's Eye)
    • Synopsis
    • Prologue: A girl finds a book washed up on the shore. She hides it under her pillow and reads it in secret. She is discovered and punished...badly.
      Escape to the Country: Ten years later we meet the author of the critically acclaimed children's book series about a transgendered teenage vampire" "Tom in Transylvania". Gin is clever and bookish but also shy and under confident. She's currently being bullied by her oily shit of an agent, Simon Bastillion, who goads her into writing crap she isn't interested in.
      When Gin spots an advert for a remote mini-break cottage in the country she resolves to run away for a few days to escape Simon. She's too shy to go it alone and convinces her housemate Alex to join her. Alex, never one to turn down adventure, and who has her own reasons for making herself scarce for a few days, agrees, not he condition they their mobile phones behind so neither Simon or the boss she shagged in a broom closet at lunch time can contact them.
      The night they arrive in the remote coastal hamlet wherein they find the cottage, which is a mix of curios with include numerous foreign passports and a large collection of shoes. Gina and Alex think it's the "best place ever" and settle in for a girly night of wine and chatting...when there is a knock at the door. Gin opens it to meet Dinah, an older and impressively commanding woman who owns the cottage and welcomes the girls to attend church the next morning. Gin politely declines and then Dinah's granddaughter, a slightly crazy looking young woman named Keilagh presents her with a lovely homemade pie as a welcome present. There are smiles all around.
      Gina and Alex are drunk as skunks and when attempting to eat the pie drop it on the floor and in order to clean up they throw it out the door. Later, in the dead of night as Gin and Alex sleep off their drunken stupor, the pie emanates a strange vapour. In the small church nearby, figures stand at the candle lit windows, watching.
      Meet the Locals: The next morning as Gin and Alex decide to hike around the lake, they are introduced to some very unusual residents residing around "cottage country". Trying to start conversation with the locals is somewhat daunting as they seem either afraid of the girls or prepared to attack them. However, romance seems to be in the air as Lucas, a handsome local sets his sights on Gin. But all is not as it seems as Lucas is as crazy as the rest of the locals and it is simply his job to lure Gin "to church" to atone for her sins - that of writing the sinful series "Tom of Transylvania".