Professor of Classics John C. Franklin is internationally recognized as one of the most important scholars of KINYRAS, the mythical ancient king of Cyprus. He is the author of the book entitled "KINYRAS - THE DIVINE LYRE", published by Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies in 2015. In 2017, the American professor, along with cartoonist and illustrator Glynnis Fawkes, return to Cyprus forthe production of the documentary KINYRAS : IEREYS KTILOS AFRODITAS. In the documentary, Kinyras' personality is outlined through references to ancient sources and interviews with scholars and artisans. The myths that surround Kinyras are also depicted through cartoon animation. The documentary KINYRAS: THE CHERISHED PRIEST OF APHRODITE is an elegy for the most important mythical person of the ancient history of Cyprus, KINYRAS. Although the memory of his name is preserved to this day, Cypriots know very little about him.
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