Documentary - Completed 2010

Iranian etnic Kyrgyz abroad.

    • Year of production
    • 2010
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0 - 0.3 M$
    • Duration
    • 25 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Nurbek BERDYBEKOV
    • Writer(s)
    • Timur CHERIKOV, Tilek CHERIKOV
    • Producer(s)
    • Timur CHERIKOV (Green Light Cinema), Tilek CHERIKOV (Green Light Cinema )
    • Synopsis
    • This is project opening cycle of documentary films “The night especially dark before sunrise”, introduction begining about national liberation insurrection in October 1916 of Kyrgyz nation and mass leaving after put down it in provinces to the China, Russia (Altai region), Iran, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Australia, little number of ethnic Kyrgyz living in Ethiopia, Jordan. More than 150.000 people left to China in October, 1916 some of than died in during crossed mountain gorge. Some people left to the Afganistan, the whole families and tribes, migrate, and later remove to Iran, after situation downturn in the Afghanistan. How they are living in Iran now, how their descendant lives at present time? How they are keep Kyrgyz tradition, culture, in strong religious rules in the Islamic Republic of Iran. These and other answers will reveal in documentary.
      1. Narrative paragraph on why we have chosen a specific cultural identifier.
      I am Kyrgyz, population in our republic by official statistic more 5 mln. people, actually less 4-4.5 mln., because of labour migration to other countries. More 1 mln people are living abroad. It is good that we are living in globalization, can move to foreign cities, but unfortunately dissolvent in modern community we are forgetting own culture, language, traditions. But some oasis’s in desert, it is ethnic Kyrgyz abroad. They are living a long time and migrate not in last time a many year ago, they are assimilated with local conditions, but mostly keep own traditions, culture and language, proud of motherland. About one group of ethnic Kyrgyz in Iran, we would like to show in documentary project.
      This is story tell my father, many years ago, he met former military; he participated in Soviet Afghan campaign as member of Muslim battalion in content of soviet army in Kabul. When he was in Kabul, he received invitation from Rahmankul khan – he was a head of Kyrgyz tribe, whose migrate from Kyrgyzstan in 1916 year, because put down of national liberation movement by tsarist Russia. Former military from Soviet Union, met ethnic Kyrgyz in Kabul in 80s years. Ethnic Kyrgyz have own military troop of 500 soldiers, which defense own families in hard situations. They are met and talk and ethnic Kyrgyz were happy meet in Afghanistan fellow and treat the Kyrgyz People. Later with the group of ethnic Kyrgyz migrate to Iran, due to worsening of situation in Afghanistan. Rahmankul khan left with own tribe consist of several thousands people.
      How they are living today? Present in strong Muslim country, because the Kyrgyz are former heathens. Later became and take Islam religion. How they are keep Kyrgyz culture, traditions and customs, own language. It wills reveal in this documentary project.
    • Production schedule
    • 2010