Margus ÕUNAPUU (Film Tower Kuubis), Petri ROSSI (CineWorks)
Ekke, who has recently become an orphan, arrives in Tallinn, where the Captain, his distant relative, lives and works. The city is a real experience for this child of nature. He meets a beautiful girl on roller skates, who appears everywhere in spirit wherever the boy is. Ekke falls in love at first sight. The girl with wheels becomes the object of his desires. The Captain has a lover, Sebastian, a philosopher and artist whose obsession is to save the world from catastrophe. Sebastian’s plan is that new and better first humans are needed, Adam and Eve, who would not commit the same old mistakes and would not fall into sin. Since the first inhabitants of Paradise did not have navels, Ekke must give up his navel. The diligent boy turns Sebastian’s maniacal fantasy into reality. Sebastian has chosen the girl with wheels to be the new Eve. Ekke is happy that he can ascend into heaven together with the one he loves. The policemen leave the audience with hope that both spiritual and physical terror will be punished, even if it is done in the name of art.
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