Aristotle's concise reasoning, hovering in the vast universe, beams out to merge with the main body of Cypriot director Stavros Papageorghiou's documentary "Entelechy"; an ulyssean, twenty-year long journey in the labyrinths of archaeoastronomy, geodesy and philosophy. Navigator and fellow traveller in this journey of initiation, is Cypriot researcher and painter Goris Gregoriades. Since the year 1990 Stavros Papageorghiou's camera follows and records Goris' quest for the discovery of the geodetic and archaeoastronomical dimension of Cyprus's ancient sacred temples and sanctuaries. For the director, recording Goris' research and findings turns into a parallel personal journey of investigation and exploration of the secrets that lie hidden in the ancient stone books of Knowledge. * “The anthropology of astronomy”, as archaeo-astronomy is often referred to, extends to the study of ancient and indigenous calendar systems, the meanings of time and space, mathematics, calculating systems and geometry, maritime skills, as well as geomancy and urban planning. Where archaeology cannot scientifically document such hypotheses, archaeo-astronomy steps in to guide us in the decipherment of codified truths of the past. The apperceptions of archaeo-astronomical science can help philosophers in their quest for a more profound meaning of the truth hidden behind the wisely-chosen locations, structures and orientations of ancient religious monuments and cities, as well as their geodesic connection with holy sites of other civilizations.
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