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Drama - Production 2025

Script by Shinji Aoyama, depicting the history filled with tears and laughter of a local cinema on the outskirts of Tokyo

    • Year of production
    • 2025
    • Genres
    • Drama
    • Countries
    • JAPAN
    • Director(s)
    • Sora HOKIMOTO
    • Writer(s)
    • Shinji AOYAMA, Sora HOKIMOTO
    • Synopsis
    • The story is based on the autobiography of Takuo Honda, the owner of BAUS Theater at the time of its closure in 2014, and a booklet that summarizes the history of BAUS Theater. Initially, Shinji Aoyama was scheduled to direct this movie, and preparations were underway as the script approached completion. However, illness struck around the time they were about to start filming in March 2022, and Aoyama passed away. Sora Hokimoto, Aoyama’s favorite disciple, took over the project and completed the film, continuing the vision that Aoyama had nurtured.
      Two brothers came to Tokyo, where they unexpectedly became staff at a movie theater. From screenings with phonographs to the era of talkies, movies evolved. In the 1980s, the brothers sought their own "tomorrow" and established BAUS Theater. The cinema, which ventured into interesting things regardless of genre, not just movies but also rakugo, theater plays, and live performances, was born.
      Despite being struck by various calamities such as the deaths of family members, those deaths were not the end of it. In the movie, "death" was close at hand but at the same time, "eternity" was also close by. There were fairies in the cinema. This is also the story of such fairies.