



TOEI COMPANY, LTD. - as SALES All rights, World

Drama - Completed 2022

Japanese animation draws avid attention from around the world. Its market size is said to be over 21.6 billion $US. Over 50 new series are released every quarter, and they vie fiercely for the title of “supremacy” in the ratings and sales charts.

    • Year of production
    • 2022
    • Genres
    • Drama
    • Countries
    • JAPAN
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 3 - 5 M$
    • Duration
    • 129 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Kohei YOSHINO
    • Writer(s)
    • Mizuki TSUJIMURA, Yosuke MASAIKE
    • Producer(s)
    • Synopsis
    •  Hitomi Saito works for a major animation production company. She gave up a stable career as a public servant to join the anime industry, and has at last been given her first chance to direct with a series called “Soundback: The Kanade Stone.”

       Despite her eagerness to make the most of the opportunity, storm clouds soon gather over the production floor. Yukishiro, the producer who handpicked Hitomi for the job, is also a tricky character who’ll go to ruthless lengths to ensure his “product” sells. Sure enough, he frequently clashes with Hitomi, who is determined not to compromise her creative vision.

       Before long, a rival for “Soundback” emerges: another new series called “Fate Front: Liddell-light,” directed by anime genius Chiharu Oji, who also happens to be the reason Hitomi set out to become an anime creator. Oji became a worldwide sensation with his debut work, but his status has subsequently declined to that of a legend of yesteryear. Now he has a chance to make a comeback, thanks to producer Kayako Arishina.

       On the other hand, no one cares more about “Soundback” than Hitomi, but her efforts don’t achieve the results she hoped for, and her youth and inexperience cause friction with her stubborn craftsman-like staff. To make matters worse, her harsh direction of a popular young female voice actor with a background as an idol brings about a breakdown in communication. The production team begins to fall out of sync, and the mood on the production floor grows increasingly gloomy.

       As the air date for the first episode looms, Hitomi takes part in a talkshow with Oji. Her role model’s aura causes her to shrink at first, but as Hitomi faces off with Oji, she declares. “I won’t lose to you! I’ll win in the ratings and everything else, and reign supreme!” Her unwavering passion starts to win over the people around her, and touch the hearts of viewers...