
Distribution : Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD, Airline, World, RUSSIA
Film Festival
Production Company

Distribution : Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD, Airline, World, RUSSIA
Film Festival
Production Company
LeopART - russian production and distribution film-company. Russian arthouse cinema production company LeopART is looking for co-production partners.Production company Leopolis and Anton Mazurov proudly announce the creation of new company based on the principles of partnership. Being called LeopART it is aimed at the distribution and production of radical art-house movies. LeopART is supposed to launch 3-4 projects per year. The LeopART’s production is not limited to Russian territory. LeopART is developing some variants of international co-production. As for the company’s personnel, one should mention that it is highly experienced creative team, the members of which have been working with the companyís President Anton Mazurov for ten years in the first (and main) Russian arthouse distribution company Cinema Without Frontiers llc. (Maywin Media AB) as VP and creative director. LeopART is open to all interesting projects, applications of scripts and discussion all creative ideas in a
Russian arthouse distributor Promotion media-company for art-cinema Production company for art-cinema President Anton Mazurov - artistic director of International Independent Film Festival "2morrow" Moscow, October (2010--2011)