
Production Company

Production Company
HDPERU is an indigenous film collective founded by filmmaker brothers Alvaro and Diego Sarmiento. We produce documentaries focused on the defense of native peoples’ rights and environmental justice in the Andes and the Amazon of Peru. GREEN RIVER. THE TIME OF THE YAKURUNAS (2017) our feature debut premiered at the 67 Berlinale and the MoMA Doc Fortnight. MOTHERS OF THE LAND (2019), our second feature documentary premiered at the 69 Berlinale, United Nations Forum, Arte France TV and RAI Italia.
We are going to VENTANA SUR with the documentary project THUS SPOKE THE MOUNTAINS in the DOC SUR section. We have a 60 min version. and we want to look for co-producing partners. Otherwise, the projects MUSQUY (Fiction Production Fund in Peru) which is in the pre-production stage; and THE DUSK OF THE AMAZON (Documentary production fund in Peru and IBERMEDIA co-production with Colombia).