
Production Company

Production Company
DONTEN & LACROIX FILMS was created in 2006 with the aim to produce and coproduce films of high value for international audiences and to provide production services in Poland and abroad.
The company was created with the aim to produce and coproduce films of high artistic and cultural value for international audiences and to provide film production services in different European and non-European countires (we’ve been working as executive producers in Poland, France, USA, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine). In 2008, the company and its producers has collaborated with leading European Production Houses (Versus Production, belgian representant for Oscars, Haut et Court, France, winner of La Palme d’or Cannes 2008, Les Films du Losagne, Paris, winner of Cannes, Berlin and other most important International Film Festivals). as executive producer of : • ‘’Miracles’ Seller”– feature film, dir. Jaroslaw Szoda, Boleslaw Pawica (polish-swedish coproduction, shooting in France) • ‘’Simon Konianski’’ – feature film, dir.Micha Wald, belgian-french-canadian coproduciton. (Donten & Lacroix Films was responsible for shooting in Poland and Ukraine) • « The March of the Living » – feature documentary, dir. Americain-brasilian coproduction, dir. Jessica Sanders (direcror nomidated twice for Oscars, shooting in Poland and Germany) • ‘’Lejdis’’ – feature film, dir. T. Koneckiego (shooting in Bruxelles), over 2 300 000 viewers, biggest Polish Box Office in 2008 in Poland