
Financial Institution
Film Fund

Financial Institution
Film Fund
“Film Location Austria” (FISA) is a new Austrian film funding scheme initialized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth. This initiative is administrated by the Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH which is Austria’s promotional bank and “Location Austria” the Austrian Film Commission. One of the main objectives of the measure is to strengthen the Austrian film industry and to support national productions, international co-productions and service productions where an Austrian partner is involved. FISA is an automatic funding system based on objective economic criteria and a cultural test commonly used in Europe. The non-repayable grant will be awarded for feature films and documentaries and can be combined with any other regional and national funding source. In terms of an international co-production the Austrian’s share of the total productions costs needs to comply with the respective intr-national film treaty or alternatively a minimum of 20 percent. Service produc